Show Rules

  1. 1. Zebra Finches shown in classes scheduled for pairs must be true pairs of the same colour. Single birds may be shown only in those classes designated

2. The colour feeding of Zebra Finches is debarred.

3. The trimming of wings and/or tail is debarred.

4. All pairs of birds entered as Breeders, and nominated “BBE” (Bred by exhibitor), must carry the closed coded current year dated rings of the Breeder (purchased through the Zebra Finch Society) and be exhibited by that Breeder.

5. Zebra Finches wearing more than one close coded ring will be disqualified at Patronage Shows (N.B. one celluloid split ring and one closed coded ring are acceptable).

6. Official closed coded rings purchased through the Zebra Finch Society must not be cut or altered for the purpose of putting them on the leg of a Zebra Finch.

7. 28th February shall be deemed to end the exhibition year. Thus a bird hatched at any time during the current year can compete as a Breeder up to 28th February in the following year.

8. Zebra Finches should be shown in Standard Show Cages, the floor covering being any seed suitable for Zebra Finches. Pairs or Single bird entries not exhibited in Standard Show Cages are not eligible for Zebra Finch Society awards.

9. Zebra Finches entered in the wrong class shall be marked as such and will not be reclassed.

10. A Judge’s decision is final except in the case of misrepresentation, intentional or otherwise.

11. Special Prizes offered by the Zebra Finch Society shall only be competed for at Patronage Shows. Members must mark their entry forms “ZFS”. Failure to do so debars the exhibitor from taking any Zebra Finch Society awards.

12. Definition of Novice Status (Promotion to Champion Qualifying Points). As of 2018 a Novice may exhibit in Novice Classes for seven show seasons or until he/she has accumulated a total of 75 points from Club, Area, Gold or Silver Patronage Shows.( on achieving the 75 points the exhibitor will be automatically promoted to Champion at the end of that show season)
Points can be obtained (with pairs only) in the following ways:

1. (a) A first prize in a class of seven or more exhibits, benched by three or more exhibitors, counts as seven points.

(b) A first prize in a class of six exhibits or more, benched by a minimum of two exhibitors, counts as six points.

(c) A first prize in a class of five exhibits, benched by a minimum of two exhibitors, counts as five points.


2. A Breeders Rosette will count as seven points, providing:

(a) The exhibit has not already obtained seven points in a full class as described in 1 above.

(b) There are at least seven Breeder exhibits benched by three or more exhibitors in the Novice Section.


A member, who has already exhibited in the Novice Classes for five show seasons, can continue exhibiting in the Novice Classes until the end of the show season, in which they achieve their total points target (as stated above) to earn promotion to Champion status. A Novice, who starts exhibiting in the Champion Classes part way through a show season, forfeits any points gained as a Novice for that show season. In both cases the show season being defined as 1st January to 31st December of the same year. A member deciding to exhibit in Champion Classes cannot revert to Novice Classes.

13. Junior members may exhibit in Junior Classes from the age of 8 up to and including the show season in which they attain the age of 16 years, or until they are promoted to a higher status, which ever is the shorter period. A Junior gaining 75 points at Club, Area, Gold or Silver Patronage Shows as defined in 12,1a,b & c will be promoted to the Novice Section. A Junior so promoted, or opting to show in the Novice or Champion Section, cannot revert to Junior classes. A Junior who has been promoted to Novice under this rule before reaching the age of 16 may continue to pay subscriptions at the Junior rate until the end of the calendar year in which they reach 16 (This rule applies to educational establishments). In the event that the promoted Junior is resident in the same household as an established Champion, then if they exhibit the same mutation(s), as the Champion exhibitor, they must exhibit in the Champion Section; otherwise they are allowed to exhibit in the Novice Section until they gain promotion to Champion under the rules for such a promotion (rule 14), or reach the age of 16 whichever occurs first.

A Junior member exhibiting in the Junior Classes can continue exhibiting in the Junior Classes until the end of the show season in which they gain their final win to Novice Status (or Champion Status). A junior, who starts exhibiting in the Novice Classes (or Champion Classes) part way through a show season, forfeits any points gained as a Junior for that show season. In both cases the show season being defined as 1st January to 31st December of the same year.

Junior members please note the lower limit only applies to the exhibition of birds, and Juniors under the age of 8 years are still welcome to enrol as non-exhibiting members of the Z.F.S.

14. Where two or more exhibitors keep or breed their Zebra Finches at one establishment, aviary or dwelling, such exhibitors must exhibit in the highest status of the said exhibitors. (N.B. Rule 13 applies to Junior Members).

15. Class Points- (colour awards). Method of awarding points. In each class points are awarded for the first seven, i.e. 7 – 1st, 6 – 2nd etc., unless there is less than seven when the amount of birds actually Benched to count i.e. class of three – 3, 2, 1. Class points only to count at Club, Area Society Club Show, Gold, and Silver Patronage Shows.

If an entry at a Club, Area Society Club Show, Gold or Silver Patronage Show wins a Breeder or Adult Rosette bonus points are added to bring it up to 7. All points gained at the Club Show are doubled. At Area Society Club Show Patronages the winners of the Best Champion, Best Novice, and Best Junior specials will be awarded a bonus of 7 points each.

Individual colours are added together for Adult points and “BBE” nominations for Breeders’ points. Annual points totals are calculated on a calendar year basis.

16. Judging Engagements. All applications, acceptances, cancellations, or refusals, to be made in writing. (Any telephone conversations, e-mails to be followed up in writing).

17. Any matters not mentioned in these rules will be dealt with by the Zebra Finch Society Committee, whose decision is final.

